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Fashion fosters cliches of beauty, but I want to tear them apart. Brides today are increasingly sensitive to the tastes, feelings and finances of their attendants

Coupon Code: UPSCL500

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Fashion fosters cliches of beauty, but I want to tear them apart. Brides today are increasingly sensitive to the tastes, feelings and finances of their attendants

Coupon Code: UPSCL500

Fashion to me has become very disposable; I wanted to get back to craft, to clothes that could last. For me, the summer will be pure gray – mother-of-pearl gray, very pale gray. To me, this is the big statement for summer. Then we have light blue, light turquoise, lots of pink. You can’t just buy things for the label – it’s ridiculous. I didn’t want to be a fashion designer,


Fashion fosters cliches of beauty, but I want to tear them apart. Brides today are increasingly sensitive to the tastes, feelings and finances of their attendants

Coupon Code: UPSCL500

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